Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Satuday Breakfast with the Folks

Every Saturday morning my parents come over to have breakfast with my son and I. My Dad is the cook in his household, so it's the only day someone else cooks for him, so we all enjoy it. Usually we have cinnamon raisin french toast, bacon, fresh fruit, coffee, etc. This past Saturday my parents came over carrying a brown paper bag and said,  "we have a surprise for you". I thought whooo hoooo! Everybody likes a surprise, right? Then my Dad says, "I think Daniel (my son) should open it" and then whispered "he's not gonna like it". My son Daniel is 28 years old and has Down's Syndrome, and he can do and say some pretty creative things. So, he opens the bag and immediately looks at me. Ya see, inside the bag was 4 large empty jars of Alfredo sauce...I'm thinking WTH? My son likes to eat lunch with "his old friend,"  my Dad. It seems this past week, when he went to eat lunch, he immediately ran into the bathroom, saying "I gotta go".  My parents have a small pantry in the bathroom. It seems  he would quick run in to get a snack. He actually drank the jars of the thick,  rich, white sauce. Then my Dad said, he also ate a large can of french onion dip and 2 cans of jalepino dip. After he was done, he put the empty jars and cans back in the pantry. BUSTED!!! Now I know how he gained a pound on his diet. Isn't life an adventure that keeps on giving???


  1. Oh Anne Marie...that is a sweet story:) Blessings headed your way!

  2. Oh goodness! No wonder he was running to the bathroom!

  3. Oh Anne Marie...what a cute story... Love your Dad's sense of humor.

  4. oh wow that is so hilarious. i can relate! my BIL has downs as well and lived with us for 7 years until last year he moved out and into a group home. so now he raids his own pantry and not mine. heehee. how funny. David is 54 and holds down a full time job at ARC. :)

  5. BTW...loving your switch plates!

  6. OH MY!! LOL that is too funny! He's lucky he only gained a pound ;)

  7. LOL! I guess he was busted! Too cute!

  8. Sons mine and everyone else's still amaze me. Ain't it a fun ride :)

  9. Wow, what a lunch he had! Great story :-)

  10. What a great story! I hope you took pictures of the event. Sounds like a scrapbooking moment!

  11. That is such a funny story! Thanks so much for sharing! *Ü*
